Daarom willen de gemeente Rotterdam en de deelgemeente Kralingen-Crooswijk zou snel mogelijk om de tafel met de exploitant. Dit om leegstand te voorkomen. Lees ook: Tropicana wordt concerthal. Tropicana Rotterdam. ...
I, along with the wonderful staff at Health City (locatie Kralingen-Crooswijk op de Kralingseweg te Rotterdam), have trimmed down those kilos of unwanted fat. There is a wonderful thing that you can do with the Dutch language; ...
He died six months before the outbreak of war: memorial services were held in all Shell offices in Germany and Hitler and Goering both sent wreaths to the funeral on his estate. ..... Until further notice, the packages with shares were stored at the home of Coert sr. at the Essenlaan in Kralingen. A few hours later, Suermondt got a phone call again, now from the lawyer H. Stenfert Kroese, who held a prominent position at the Rotterdam rayon office of the Nederlandsch ...